friday fun

Nona, our friend and mananahi, and her children, of course her father in-law "uncle" spent their afternoon here with my kids. They went for a swim and I think they bonded so well as they will be coming back next week. With them is Jeru son of my 2nd floor neighbor Joy and Richie from Finissar. I cooked spaghetti for the kids, of course for the mommies as well. They must have liked it as they can't stop asking for more..... or were they just tired and so hungry??? Nona requested for pork adobo, she ate it with rice, she said she liked it... hopefully.. (LOL) i forgot to prepare her tapao, in tagalog "balot". Anyway i will prepare chicken adobo next week. We asked Joy to join our "tsikahan" while the kids were enjoying the pool. It's fun talking with these two ladies. Joy living up to her name as she is full of "joy" with all her shared stories. She cracks a lot of joke. Nona on the other hand is the silent type, although she has a lot of stories to tell as well. Sometimes it just felt so good having some people to talk to. Sharing jokes, thoughts, etc. Mauulit muli....

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